States are responsible and accountable towards ever more complex societies. Increasingly empowered communities and globally connected actors are demanding a more responsive public administration, effective public service delivery, increased transparency and justice.

Public Authorities frame, arbiter, regulate, and distribute collective public goods and craft formal opportunities for the people of their community established in a same territory and depending on shared resources.  Through the rule of law and public policy, States set the ground for peace and development; public servants must in turn engage in bettering their response and service delivery. They thus require a solid understanding on law, policy, and regulation, and accurate bottom-up knowledge of the field in order to secure fairness and a horizon of development for all. Skills for policy coherency and institutional integrity, as well as the ability to evaluate and redress negative impacts of law, policy, rules, and contracts on the ground are crucial to improve State action and legitimize, through fairness, its existence and direction.


Strategic advice and legal representation in matters related to constitutional law, administrative law, public utilities law, international standards and human rights law, and Not-for-Profit regulation

Strategic consultancy and/or legal advice on social public procurement and strategic alliances

Research and public policy design

Reporting on international obligations to treaty bodies and human rights organizations

Legislative and policy reform and effective policy implementation

Inclusive policy-making and participatory governance strategies

Human rights-based approach for policy outreach and service delivery

Strategies and action plans for bettering international cooperation for transnational crime prosecution and victims’ protection


Legal environment and policy impact analysis of rural and urban poverty

Power analysis, Organizational mapping, Stakeholder identification, and participatory research assessment tools for public planning

Design and Implementation of consultation processes with ethno-cultural minorities for effective participatory governance

Standards of transparency and integrity for preventing corruption and maladministration

Legal environment and policy impact analysis of rural and urban poverty

Tailoring of indicators for monitoring and evaluation of policy impact

Public-Private Partnerships and cross-sectoral alliances for formalization and sustainable development

Strategic aligning of public policy with sustainable development reporting

Trainings and workshops on (a) Inclusive policy-making, (b) Poverty and the Law: from legal impoverishment to empowerment

Notable Experience

  • For a Ministry, refurbished a public information advertisement on the criminal risk of the irresponsible use of the internet into a high-impact media announcement by pairing it with a TV show with aligned content and messaging, and garnering the support of socially committed artists and the United Nations (Colombia)
  • For a Municipal Government, researched and drafted an agreement on coordinated transnational assistance for human trafficking victims in Ibero-American capital cities (Colombia)
  • For a municipal government, conceived, drafted, and developed a handbook for youth empowerment and crime prevention while traveling or migrating in a context of globalization (Colombia)
  • For National and Municipal Governments, advised and facilitated policy-making processes for institutional development and policy reform for social inclusion (Colombia)
  • For National Government, developed training sessions on access to justice for vulnerable populations with a gender approach and strategic outreach capacity to ensure access to grassroots actors in remote locations (Peru)
  • For municipal authorities, conducted field data collection and developed a strategic action plan for the management of municipal solid waste over a 12-year period (Colombia)