Human exchange across the globe has densified with technology, and the peoples´ dialogue around common problems and collective aspirations has tightened and diversified. From the bilateral cooperation of one country’s government with another, multi-laterals’ technical assistance, or the concrete aid provided by foreign non-governmental organizations, the different actors of the international community have the capacity to affect the domestic policy and the local communities in the countries they intend to support or liaise with.
International actors therefore affect national public law and policy, not only through the deliberation and creation of international rights and standards, problem-solving research, global policy dialogues, and international agenda drafting; they also relate to domestic public law when designing and implementing their cooperation projects in any given country.  For legitimacy and success in their initiatives, international community actors must thoroughly understand the law, policy, and regulatory frameworks in which they will contextualize their activity.  Moreover, to advance social innovation and ensure that their cooperation will be capable of being locally appropriated, and be both sustainable and scalable, international actors must understand the culture within which their initiatives or projects are deployed.


Strategic advice and legal representation in matters related to International Law Constitutional and Administrative law

Advice and support in the field for preparing periodic reviews and reporting on International Human Rights and Standards

Counsel on organizational design, strategy, and tax treatment of Not-for-Profit or organizations

Domestic legal framework analysis, socio-cultural assessment, and policy environment research for identifying opportunities for international cooperation


Project identification for high social impact on the ground and securing aid effectiveness

Power analysis, Organizational mapping, Stakeholder identification, and participatory research assessment to ensure relevance of the project in the field, grassroots ownership, and sustainable and scalable capacity building

Consultancy on legal empowerment and strengthening of capacities of communities and grassroots actors

Context specific strategies for targeting SDGs and aligning with public policy or pursuing synergies with the government

Building and managing Public Private Partnerships and cross-sectoral alliances with academia, government, civil society, and the business community

Design and development of social metrics for the monitoring and evaluation of international cooperation projects

Customized trainings and Workshops on (a) Organizational Culture for Change and Empowerment, (b) Human Rights Approach, Access and Differential Approach for Inclusive Development and (c) Advocacy Skills for Agenda Setting and Policy Reform

Notable Experience

  • For a United Nations’ Regional Agency, conducted literature, desk, and field review and produced a strategy on poverty reduction in the informal economy for several countries through legal empowerment and the implementation of cross-sectoral partnerships (MENA)
  • For an Embassy, developed and conducted training sessions on the rights of civil society organizations to private property, solidarity economics, and participatory governance (Venezuela)
  • For a United Nations’ Country Based Agency, coordinated and positioned technical assistance strategies for treaty implementation through law, policy, and inter-administrative action plans for governmental agencies (Colombia)
  • For a United Nations’ Project and an Embassy’s Bi-lateral Cooperation Program, researched and produced a handbook on interagency coordination to increase the effectiveness of the state’s response to victims of labor and sexual exploitation (UK and Colombia)
  • For an International Organization, conducted training session on international law and standards protecting the existence and operations of civil society organizations (USA and Guatemala)
  • For an International Donor providing support to a grassroots organization, developed a monitoring and evaluation system to measure the effectiveness and impact of community legal empowerment project on women land rights (USA and Uganda)
  • For an Independent Global Commission, developed policy analysis on multiple field consultations covering access to justice, rule of law and income generation ESCRs drawn from over twenty countries around the world.
  • For a Global Research Centre, conducted desk and field review for drawing findings and insights of a field-based pilot project on informal economy (India)
  • For a Policy- Action-Research Network, researched and produced a report on legal and policy environment of two occupational groups in the rural and urban informal economy of Colombia (USA)
  • For a UN Research Centre, researched and produced a policy discussion paper on governance challenges for poverty reduction in Latin America in light of the legal empowerment of the poor agenda (Norway)
  • For a National Government, and invited by a Fortune 500 Company, advised on vulnerable populations and poverty reduction through public policy reform (Colombia)
  • For an International Not-for-Profit Organization, developed and implemented training session on advocacy for constitutional values to strengthen the legitimacy of civil society and democratic space (Nicaragua)